The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health for Children and Youth and Experience of its Implementation in Child Rehabilitation

Aleksandras Kriščiūnas, Irena Jarmalavičiūtė, Žilvinas Malinauskas Abstract International Classification of Functioning, Disability andHealth for Children and Youth extends the list of categories ofclassification supplementing it with childhood-specific categories.These categories are targeted for child growth and development.The biggest addition of components is in Activities and Participationdomains.Complexity of classification causes a problem in adaptationof classification in practice…

Correlations Between Variables of Subjective and Objective Quality of Life of Persons with Mental Impairments

Valentinas Mačiulis, Alma Buginytė, Fausta Mickienė Abstract Aim of the work: to reveal the association between the objectivequality of life and its subjective estimation by patients with mentaldisorders according to some indicators of quality of life specificto mental disorder.The first part of the work reviews the main disorders and theirpsychological and social consequences, the definition…

Disabled, Wheelchair Users the Opportunitly to Expres Physical Activity of Perspective

Vilma Stankutė, Laimutė Samsonienė, Algirdas Juozulynas Abstract Recognizing the power of people with disabilities in physicalactivities, regardless of their abilities, we establish the conditionsfor their effective development: encourage their self-expression,self-image, self-esteem and improve body image. Objective ofthe study – to assess the self-sufficiency and personal physicalactivity experience and a real need. Take the test –…

Analysis of the Patients Hospitalised with Psoriazic Arthritis in Vuh Santariskiu Clinics Centre of Dermatoveneorology 2013

Dalia Pacevičiūtė, Vaitiekus Julius Lavinskas, Tatjana Orlovskytė, Jonas Lauraitis, Matilda Bylaitė Bučinskienė Abstract Psoriatic arthropaty – chronic, autoimmunive, progressing and30% of all cases deformating joints severe psoriasis illness, thatcauses disability.The aim of the research: To analyse the patients with psoriaticarthritis who were hospitalised in Vilnius University SantariskiuClinics Centre of Dermatoveneorology during the year of 2013.Methodology:…

Occupational Skin Diseases and Disability

Beatričė Margytė, Aistė Audickaitė, Edita Naruševičiūtė Skripkienė, Jūratė Grigaitienė, Matilda Bylaitė Bučinskienė Abstract Occupational diseases are health problems of employees,caused by harmful and hazardous agents present in the occupationalactivity or work environment. Occupational skin diseases –relevant, but not often discussed topic. They are the most commonlydiagnosed diseases in Western countries while in Lithuania it isonly…

Oral Health and its Risk Determinants in Children with Haemophilia in Lithuania

Rūta Žaliūnienė, Jolanta Aleksejūnienė, Vilma Brukienė, Vytautė Pečiulienė Abstract Patients with haemophilia often face difficulties in accessing71primary dental care: they are at increased risk of spontaneous gumbleeding and significant bleeding from invasive dental procedures.Other of the known barriers is lack of confidence in the ability ofdentists to manage patients with haemophilia.The aim of this study…

Treatment on Passive Range of Motion of Ankle and Mobility in Children with Cerebral Palsy

Laima Mikulėnaitė, Jovita Petrulytė, Anastasija Žernakova Abstract Introduction. Spasticity – the basic and the most commonclinical syndrome of cerebral palsy. Most of the time child’sfunctional and movement disorders depend on this. Botulinumtoxin is a drug that relaxes muscles by blocking the release ofacetylcholine (ACH) in neuro muscular connection and reduceslevel of spasticity. The short-term effect…

Parkinson’s Disease and Disability

Vaineta Valeikienė, Algirdas Juozulynas, Algirdas Venalis, Antanas Jurgelėnas, Dalia Stasytytė Bunevičienė Abstract Parkinson‘s disease is a neurodegenerative disease, whichdamages the dopaminergic, cholinergic, serotonergic neuronsand their interconnections. Diagnosis is clinical and based onthe patient‘s complaints, medical history and data of clinicalexamination. It is a chronic, progressive disease, which sooner orlater leads to disability. The study covered…

Klippel – Feil Syndrome – Rare, Congenital Disabeling Child Anomaly

Ieva Janulaitytė, Augustė Vadišiūtė, Danielius Serapinas Abstract Disability includes health problems and personal activityrestriction affects body functions or structures violations. Level ofdisability is a complex assessment of health status and self-loss indaily activities. Degree of disability is determined according to thelevel of disability determination criteria and procedure description.Basic working capacity assessed by reference to person‘s…

Clinical Symptoms of Myocardial Infarction and Its Outcomes for Women

Žaneta Petrulionienė, Pranas Šerpytis, Dovilė Jančauskaitė, Urtė Gargalskaitė, Brigita Brazauskaitė, Antanas Strazdas Abstract Objective. The aim of the present study was to compare differencesof symptoms, comorbidities, risk factors and outcomes inyounger (up to 55 years-old) and older (over 55 years-old) womenwith acute myocardial infarction.Materials and methods. In this retrospective study we analised473 cases of women…

Late Results after Total Hip Replacement for Hip Dysplasia

Gediminas Degutis, Petras Butėnas, Liudvikas Kervys Abstract Purpose: To evaluate the late results of the patients undergonetotal hip replacement surgery for hip dysplasia, implantingacetabular component more proximally than anatomic acetabularcenter.Patients and methods: In 1997-2004 in the Red Cross Hospital,(later VUHSK CF) hospital 85 hip replacement surgeries forpatients with I-IVº hip dysplasia were performed by implantingacetabular…

Regional Inequalities of Children Disability Incidence in Lithuania

Juozas Raistenskis, Zdislav Skvarciany, Romualdas Gurevičius Abstract Declining birth rates, increasing number of diseasesand injuries among children, socio-economicalchange in the situation of the country, as well as othersocial, health – and economics-related factorsare the main reasons for greater interest of scientistsin research on the social and health disparities inthe counties (municipalities and districts). This paperanalyzes…