Beatričė Margytė, Aistė Audickaitė, Edita Naruševičiūtė Skripkienė, Jūratė Grigaitienė, Matilda Bylaitė Bučinskienė


Occupational diseases are health problems of employees,caused by harmful and hazardous agents present in the occupationalactivity or work environment. Occupational skin diseases –relevant, but not often discussed topic. They are the most commonlydiagnosed diseases in Western countries while in Lithuania it isonly the sixtieth part of all occupational diseases. Occupationalskin diseases have poor prognosis and long-term consequences,causing disability, unemployment and necessity to change theprofession. Early prevention and diagnosis can prevent negativeeffects of the life quality. Occupational rehabilitation program,organized by the Ministry of social security and labour, helps toadapt people who are disabled due to occupational diseases. Thepurpose of this article is to introduce the importance of occupationalskin diseases in Lithuania and abroad, also to discuss the possiblecauses of these diseases, prevention, diagnosis and options ofoccupational rehabilitation.

Keyword(s): occupational skin diseases, occupational contact dermatitis, occupational skin cancer, occupational skin infections, disability, prevention, occupational rehabilitation
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2015.012
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