Journal Sveikatos mokslai / Health sciences is a peer-reviewed international scientific journal dedicated to spread new knowledge and information about public health (i.e. healthy lifestyle and environment, health education, infectious diseases and prevention), medicine (biomedicine and medicine, clinical researches and cases, new technologies, forensic psychiatry, history of medicine, problematic reviews), nursing (i.e. nursing science and professional socialization of nurses, nursing and supportive treatment, rehabilitation), health economics and management. Besides, the journal is publishing issues or items about research results, reviews of conferences, seminars, chronicles about publications of science and studies, dates of scientists.
The journal publishes scientific articles in Lithuanian, English, Russian and other languages. The journal has been published since 1990. 1 volume (8 issues) per year are published. The journal is a member of the Association of Lithuanian Serials.
Journal is published in paper version and electronically. More than 300 scientific articles are published per year. Each number has 200 pages average volume.
The articles published in Sveikatos mokslai / Health Sciences are reviewed by two members of Editorial Board or by its appointed experts. Subsequently, authors are promptly notified of the publication decision and/or necessary revisions. Accepted manuscripts are edited for consistency and clarity prior to their publication.
Readership: specialists of medicine and public health, researchers, nurses, forensic psychiatry, rehabilitists, dentists, other.
Journal is indexed in the following bibliographic databases: Index Copernicus, EBSCO host (Academic Search Complete), Gale (Academic OneFile), ProQuest (Ulrich’s, Summon), DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), ERA (Excellence in Research Australia).