Dalia Pacevičiūtė, Vaitiekus Julius Lavinskas, Tatjana Orlovskytė, Jonas Lauraitis, Matilda Bylaitė Bučinskienė
Psoriatic arthropaty – chronic, autoimmunive, progressing and30% of all cases deformating joints severe psoriasis illness, thatcauses disability.The aim of the research: To analyse the patients with psoriaticarthritis who were hospitalised in Vilnius University SantariskiuClinics Centre of Dermatoveneorology during the year of 2013.Methodology: Retrospective analysis was performed for patientswith psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis who were hospitalisedin VUH SC Centre of Dermatovenerology during the year of 2013.We have evaluated patients diagnosed with psoriasis and psoriaticarthritis, their sex, age, lenght of the illness, age of diagnosingpsoriasis, severity according PASI, joint infingements, complaints,treatment, disability and level of work abilities. Data analysis wasmade using ‚‘Excel‘‘ statistical software.Results: Totally 651 patients were treated in Centre of Dermatovenereologyduring the year of 2013. 291 (45%) patientswere hospitalised with diagnosis of psoriasis, 121 (42%) of themwere also diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. At the age group to 25years old 29 (10%) patients were diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis.There were 182 (63%) patients at the age group between 25 and60 years old with psoriatic arthritis. Over 60 years old there were79 (27%) patients suffering from psoriatic arthritis. Average lenghtof psoriasis in hospitalised patients was 20 years, average age ofpatients when first time diagnosed with psoriasis was 29 years. Theaverage meaning of PASI was 22. Patients diagnosed with psoriaticarthritis most oftenly complained of these joint pains: ankles andknees – 61 patient (52%), palm joints – 56 (50%), feet – 39 (33%),wrists – 28 (24%), elbows and spine – 27 (23%), shoulders – 21(18%), hips – 18 (15%), palm fingers – 12 (10%). Systemic treatmentwas applied totally for 82 (28%) hospitalised patients: 54(19%) were prescribed methotrexate, 26 (9%) patients – systemiccorticosteroids, 2 (1%) patients – biological therapy with etanercept.186 (77%) patients with severe psoriasis are hospitalised inaverage 1,1 time per year, remision remains 0,5 to 1 year. At least25% hospitalised with psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis have disability,their work posibilities are reduced to 50%.Conclusions: According to research during the year of 2013there were hospitalised 121 patients with diagnosis of psoriaticarthritis. Even 30% of them had joint infringements and severecourse of the illness that caused disability. Most of them psoriaticarthritis occured at the young and working age. Evaluating severityof the psoriasis we discovered that 69% patients hospitalisedin 2013 had PASI higher than 15. In Lithuania there is possibleto get appropriate treatment for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.It is aproved that applying correct treatment patients can reducesymptoms and maintain their physical abbilities.
Keyword(s): psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, joint pain, PASI, quality of life, disability
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2015.013
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