Vilma Stankutė, Laimutė Samsonienė, Algirdas Juozulynas
Recognizing the power of people with disabilities in physicalactivities, regardless of their abilities, we establish the conditionsfor their effective development: encourage their self-expression,self-image, self-esteem and improve body image. Objective ofthe study – to assess the self-sufficiency and personal physicalactivity experience and a real need. Take the test – 29 respondentswith a physical disability and moving wheelchair. The study wasconducted in 2014. In July and August, Palanga drug preventionin the hospital and the Lithuanian Association of paraplegics lanšaftotherapy and reakreacijos center. Research methods – in orderto find out personal empowerment of the individual factors andthe overall social environment level, through personal expressionconditions, dynamic and self determination was applied qualitativeresearch method, using a semi-structured interview data collectionmethod and the open and closed reference questions; the level ofindependence of the respondents assessed the FIM and Barthelindex. The results – regardless of the severity of disability, levelof independence, and time after injury or illness, physical activity,respondents evaluated positively: positive emotions, new experiences,good health, positive body image.
Keyword(s): disability, autonomy, physical activity and disability
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2015.014
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