Aleksandras Kriščiūnas, Irena Jarmalavičiūtė, Žilvinas Malinauskas
International Classification of Functioning, Disability andHealth for Children and Youth extends the list of categories ofclassification supplementing it with childhood-specific categories.These categories are targeted for child growth and development.The biggest addition of components is in Activities and Participationdomains.Complexity of classification causes a problem in adaptationof classification in practice of clinical settings especially inchild rehabilitation settings. For the practical application of theclassification is drawn up sets of classification categories toassess the functioning of child with specific needs. The literaturedescribes attempts of the practical application of the classification.Widespread measures of functioning are linking with categories ofclassification. Team members are training to apply the classificationin daily practice. New questionnaires based on the classification arecomposed. It is recommended to focus on the child activitiesand participation but not only on body functions or structures.The article shows that the implementation of classification inchildren rehabilitation facility requires structural and organizationalchanges.
Keyword(s): International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health; child; rehabilitation; habilitation
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2015.016
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