„Health Sciences“ is a journal of medicine science and practice for medical practitioners and scientific workers, other specialists.

Scientific articles posted to our journal should meet certain requirements. The title in English follows the title in Lithuanian. The (sur)name of the author is written by small letters, e. g. Antanas Jonaitis. A writing must consist of the parts specific for a scientific article: key words, a summary, an introduction, indications for what purpose an article is written, sources and a method of research work, a description of investigations, results of scientific activities, sequential conclusions, a list of literature dealing with the article, the name of an article, key words and a detailed summary in Lithuanian.

As far as reviews, articles on medical practice and casuistical cases are concerned the structure of an article is different. The title, summary and key words of the article must be provided in Lithuanian as well. References to authors follow their names or end of a sentence. If one has to deal with several sources in sequence, one source is separated from another by a dashed stroke, e. g. 4, 7, 9–12. If decimal fractions are used, the point is a punctuation mark, e. g. 17.5.

The length of the manuscript should be 6–8 pages. There may be also exceptions. Words in Latin and other foreign language are written in italics. A parcel includes a magnetic tip as well with a popular version of the text.

We impose a ban on articles that have been published already. Manuscripts must be printed clearly, lines arranged at certain intervals (1.5).

Illustrations should be presented in the text, their names and current numbers are specified below paintings or tables. The place of coloured paintings should be marked in the text. The price of coloured illustrations is double.

There may be indications in the text pertinent to the desirable places of published numbers or illustrations. The author ought to have told us beforehand about the wish to have coloured illustrations. We advise you to follow the internationally accepted SI system of measurement.

If an article does not fully meet the requirements for a scientific article, it may be published as an information or theses.

All scientific and practical articles come under review.

The names of the authors who are referred to are written in this way: a. the first capital letter of the name goes first of all; b. the surname follows the name.

If the author deals with the list of literature referred to he (she) should write the other way. We ask you not to mix up the name and surname of an author, to separate them by a gap.

We call your attention to the list of literature. The editorial staff is of the opinion that the list should be as short as possible: if one deals with a short article, the list must not exceed 10 references; in case of articles of great size – up to 20 references and literature reviews – up to 40 references. It is recommended to use recent references (published during past 5 years).

The list of literature must be prepared according to the order nowadays used in Lithuania by representatives of various branches of science. It begins with the surname of an author. The first capital letter of his name follows it. If there are some co-authors, their names are separated by a comma. Later on the name of an article is written, followed by a full stop, the name of a journal or book referred to (without any dots or commas), the year of publication, the number of a volume, the page without reference to abbreviations dealing with the date of publication, a volume or a number, a chapter of the page and so on. The date of publications is followed by a semicolon and the reference to a volume or a number – by a colon. For example, 15. Bernstein JM. Role of allergy in eustachian tube blockage and otitis media with effusion: a review. Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery 1996;114(4):562-568. 16. Mogi G, Chaen T, Tomonaga K. Influence of nasal allergic reactions on the clearance of middle ear effusion. Arch Otolaryngol. Head NeckSurg 1990;116:331-334… 1. Šatkauskas B. Bronchoskopija: dabartis ir ateitis. Medicina, 1997;33(6):3-10. 2. Danila E., Šatkauskas B., Petrauskas A. Bronchoalveolinis levažas – informatyvus plaučių ligų diagnostikos metodas. Medicina, 1997; 33(6):44-47. 3. Klech H, Pohl W. Technical recommendations and guidelines for bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). Eur Respir J 1989;2:561-585. 4. Klech H, Hutter C, Costabel U. Clinical guidelines and indications for bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). Eur Respir J 1992;2(8):1-130. 5. Jacobs DS, DeMott WR, Grady HJ, Horvat RT, Huestis DW, Kasten BL. Laboratory test handbook, 4th edition. Lexi-Comp INC, Hudson (Cleveland). 1996… 9. Kimura K, Stoopen M, Reeder MM, Moncada R. Amebiasis: Modern diagnostic imaging with pathological and clinical correlation. Semin Roentgenol 1997;32(4):250-275. 10. Ralls PW. Focal inflammatory disease of the liver. Radiol Clin. N. Amer 1998;36(2):377-389. 11. Mergo PJ, Ros PR. Benign lesions of the liver. Radiol Clin. N. Amer 1998;36(2):319-331. 12. Valantinas J., Buivydienė A., Bernotienė E., Denapienė G. Daugiakamerinė cistinė alveolinio echinokoko (Echinococcus alveolaris) sukelta kepenų infiltracija. Medicinos teorija ir praktika, 1998; 2:81-83.

Literature references (used in the text) shall be written in the same font size indicating current source number in brackets. Referring to the name of a website, the address shall be valid & active. Also, the review date shall be inserted in brackets.

In the reference to a source of literature letters of the same size are used. The current number of a source is taken in brackets.

The articles may be posted in English or French under condition that the author takes the responsibility for editing a manuscript and its correct language. An article in a foreign language should include its title, summary and key words in Lithuanian. The proceeds of publishing are distributed according to priority given to our sponsors and the authors who cover the expanses of publishing their articles in advance.

The titles of the English language articles must be written in lower letters in reference list. Both scientific articles or writings dealing with popular science or medical practice should be written in smooth and modern Lithuanian (English or French).

COVER LETTER of the ARTICLE: “We, the authors of the given article, guarantee that an article is original, do not violate copyrights of other persons and is not published in the press earlier or is planning to present to other journals (Signature)”.

Authors may use our website as well:

The reference to your address should be included in order to apply to you (if there are some co-authors, we are interested in one of them). We ask you to include address, email and phone number of the corresponding author.

The articles in journal are charged.