Žaneta Petrulionienė, Pranas Šerpytis, Dovilė Jančauskaitė, Urtė Gargalskaitė, Brigita Brazauskaitė, Antanas Strazdas
Objective. The aim of the present study was to compare differencesof symptoms, comorbidities, risk factors and outcomes inyounger (up to 55 years-old) and older (over 55 years-old) womenwith acute myocardial infarction.Materials and methods. In this retrospective study we analised473 cases of women with acute myocardial infarction treated in2012. Patients were divided into two groups according to theirage: group I (up to 55 years) and group II (older than 55 years).The first group included 37 patients while the second group – 436patients.Results. The average age of patients was 72,3 ± 11,07 m. Myocardialinfarction with ST elevation were diagnosed to 54,3%, ofwich Q+ 70,4%, Q- 29,6% (p < 0,001), non-ST elevation 45,7%,of wich Q+ 6,5%, Q- 93,5% (p < 0,001), no statistically significantdifference was observed between the groups. 73% women ingroup I had primary arterial hypertension (I grade 2,7%, II 59,5%,III 10,8%), in the second group – 92,7% (I grade 0,7%, II 86%,III 6%), (p < 0,001). Moreover, 13,5% patients in group I haddiabetes (5,4% of type I, 8,1% of type II), in the group II 23,9%(0,3% of type I, 23,6% of type II), (p < 0,001). Heart rhythm disorderswere more often in women over 55 years-old (32,8%),(p=0,006). Among these patients, persistent atrial fibrilation wereidentified in 27,2%, permanent atrial fibrilation in 18,4%, ventricularfibrilation in 4,1% patients (all p < 0,001). 5,4% women inyounger group had previously experienced myocardial infarctionwhile in older group – 20% (p=0,03). The spread of the pain to lefthand was more common in the group of younger patients (27%)(p=0,047). Futhermore, in group I 18,9% felt weakness, whilein group II – 38,5% (p=0,018). Fatal outcomes were observed in6,8% patients, all of them were older than 55 years. Among patientswith fatal outcomes Killip IV were found to 78,1% patients(p < 0,001).Conclusions. Older women (≥ 55 years-old) treated for acutemyocardial infarction more often had the grade II of primary arterialhypertension, heart rhythm disorder, previously experiencedmycardial infarction and felt weakness. Younger patients (below55 years old) had type I diabetes more often and were characterizedby pain spreading to the left arm. Determined Killip IV leadedto increased lethality.
Keyword(s): acute myocardial infarction, risk factors, women, symptoms
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2015.007
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