Gediminas Degutis, Petras Butėnas, Liudvikas Kervys
Purpose: To evaluate the late results of the patients undergonetotal hip replacement surgery for hip dysplasia, implantingacetabular component more proximally than anatomic acetabularcenter.Patients and methods: In 1997-2004 in the Red Cross Hospital,(later VUHSK CF) hospital 85 hip replacement surgeries forpatients with I-IVº hip dysplasia were performed by implantingacetabular component more proximally from anatomic acetabularcenter. This method was used to perform surgeries to 83 patients(17 men – 18 hip joints, 66 women – 67 hip joints). Prior to thesurgeries, the patients responded to the Harris questionnaire on thecondition of their hip joints. An average response rate was 42.1 (29-62) point. In February and May 2013 having regard to the Harrisquestionnaire and objective tests the late results of treatment weresuccessfully evaluated for 44 (53.01%) patients.Results: The evaluation of the patients’ responses to the Harrisquestionnaire established the average of 61.7 (26-88) points.Conclusion: Based on our findings, more proximal positioningof the acetabular component from the anatomic acetabular centerseeking a more anatomic position without lateral displacement isone of the surgical options for selected patients with hip dysplasia.
Keyword(s): hip dysplasia, total hip replacement, dystopic acetabulum, Harris questionnaire
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2015.006
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