Dental Assistant’s Work-Related Stress

Rimgailė Šatrauskaitė, Rasa Tamulienė, Daiva Mačiulienė Abstract The article presents the research about dental assistant’swork-related stress. The study involved 62 dental assistants whowork in the city of Kaunas. Dental assistant’s work-related stresswas measured using principle of ASSET scale, used methodof data collection – written survey. Study results revealed thatdental assistant’s work-related stress level is average,…

The Need for Social Worker Practice of Women Suffering from Breast Cancer

Virginija Kondratavičienė, Dovilė Gadeikytė Abstract Breast cancer – one of the most common female cancerdiseases. Every year, the incidence of this disease is increasing.It is observed that this disease affects younger women. In recentyears, about 1,300 new cases of breast cancer are determinedannually in Lithuania. While suffering from this disease, womenare faced with a variety…

Reveal Parents, Who is Growing Children with Autism, Opinion About Prophylactic Possibilities of Teeth Decay

Rita Juchnevičienė, Daiva Mačiulienė, Vaidilė Juškytė Abstract Autism is one of the most complicated disorder of development.Autism (autos – self) is pathological human reticence, whichincludes social and emotional misunderstanding, difficulties ofcommunication, inflexibility in thinking and behavior. Aimingnot isolate people with autism from society, should be given moreattention to their adaptation.. With help of structured interviewmethod,…

Links Between Adult Dietary Habits and Caries Formation

Simona Dzimanavičiūtė, Margarita Jasaitytė, Daiva Mačiulienė Abstract The article presents the research about links between adultdietary habits and caries formation.The people in research wasrandomly selected , 153 valuanteers from Kauno kolegija andadults from private odontology clinics, who wanted to answer thequestionnaire, they were 18 – 65 years old. Research showed thatdental caries prevalence among adults…

Assessment Factors Influencing the Nutrition of Elderly People

Viktorija Piščalkienė, Rima Januškevičiūtė, Regina Balčiūnienė Abstract Nutrition is variable with aging. This depends on varies factors.Some of them depends on age changes of body, health status,some – on social or cultural environment, attitudes and knowledge.All influencing factors could be grouped into four groups:social, psychological, related to aging and biomedical factors.Investigative participants. In the group…

Balance Changes of Dancing and not-Dancing Lithuanian Folk Dances: Posturographic Assessment

Viktorija Piščalkienė, Laura Rutkauskienė, Milda Gintilienė, Viktoras Kubaitis Abstract Falls are one of the most common problems in older age,containing physical activity limiting problems. The early diagnosisand prevention of the falls risk can reduce the mortality. Thebalance can be studied with subjective clinical tests and objectiveinstrumental studies. One of such methods – posturography. Balancecan be…

The Evaluation of Experience in Communication with Health and Social Professionals by Older People

Viktorija Piščalkienė, Dainė Krasuckienė, Evelina Lamsodienė, Povilas Beseckas Abstract The worldwide ongoing process of society aging includesLithuania. Aging brings certain physical and cognitive changes,most older adults have at least one chronic disease. The qualityof health and social care services is determined by organizational,technical and financial resources, but interpersonal factors areequally important. The main reasons leading…