Virginija Kondratavičienė, Dovilė Gadeikytė


Breast cancer – one of the most common female cancerdiseases. Every year, the incidence of this disease is increasing.It is observed that this disease affects younger women. In recentyears, about 1,300 new cases of breast cancer are determinedannually in Lithuania. While suffering from this disease, womenare faced with a variety of psychological and social problems.Because of the treatment, women’s appearance usually change, awoman was distances from people, family, constantly feeling thefear and anxiety about relatives and future, also women constantlyexperiences stress caused by the effects of treatment and otherexternal and internal stressors. Research showed that women arefaced with a social worker at least once since they came to thehospital. Research showed that not all women were aware of thefact that they have access to the services of a social worker butalso respondents experience the need of social workers activity.Respondents said that a social worker would be very helpful to themwhile they are in hospital because there are a lot of questions notonly for them but also for their family. The respondents expressed aneed of consultation for them and their families about sanatoriumsowned by rehabilitation services, social assistance benefits andthey would like to get a social worker’s advice about self-helpgroups. Respondents from a social worker would like to receivemore information about the compensation technique (special bras),their rights and their laws.

Keyword(s): breast cancer, social services, social worker, psychological and social problems
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2014.111
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