Rita Juchnevičienė, Daiva Mačiulienė, Vaidilė Juškytė


Autism is one of the most complicated disorder of development.Autism (autos – self) is pathological human reticence, whichincludes social and emotional misunderstanding, difficulties ofcommunication, inflexibility in thinking and behavior. Aimingnot isolate people with autism from society, should be given moreattention to their adaptation.. With help of structured interviewmethod, accomplished research, in witch was taking part sevenparents growing children with autism. This disorder is challengefor parents of children with autism, so mouth hygienist should helpknowing about peculiarities of such disorders. All informant of theresearch said that child should be habituated make visits to mouthcare specialist as earlier as possible, seeking to reach best resultsof mouth hygiene. Regular visits to mouth hygienist can help toavoid mouth diseases.

Keyword(s): autism syndrome, education, dental caries prevention
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2014.109
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