Rimgailė Šatrauskaitė, Rasa Tamulienė, Daiva Mačiulienė
The article presents the research about dental assistant’swork-related stress. The study involved 62 dental assistants whowork in the city of Kaunas. Dental assistant’s work-related stresswas measured using principle of ASSET scale, used methodof data collection – written survey. Study results revealed thatdental assistant’s work-related stress level is average, however,it is moving towards the high stress level. The study showed thatdental assistants most stress elevating factors are the relationshipswith colleagues and the facts that employees do not feel valued,they aren’t trusted enough. The results showed that a higher levelof stress is experienced by younger age professionals with lessexperience. It was found that dental assistants who work in privatesector are experiencing higher level stress than the professionalswho work in the public sector.
Keyword(s): dental assistant, work – related stress
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2014.112
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