Viktorija Piščalkienė, Laura Rutkauskienė, Milda Gintilienė, Viktoras Kubaitis
Falls are one of the most common problems in older age,containing physical activity limiting problems. The early diagnosisand prevention of the falls risk can reduce the mortality. Thebalance can be studied with subjective clinical tests and objectiveinstrumental studies. One of such methods – posturography. Balancecan be developed by activity games (video), yoga, different formsof Asian art also by other physical activity.Our aim was to compare balance changes with the peopledancing and not-dancing Lithuanian folk dances. Hypotheticallywe argued that the Lithuanian folk dances retained its one of themost important functions and for elderly people it helps to maintainthe balance.The research participants and the methods. This paper presentsa joint Posturographic study involving separate groups fromLithuania and the United Kingdom (North Wales). Dancers wereexamined by using a balance assessment platform Sigma BalancePad. We have studied the Lithuania seniors (N = 23, average of age66 years) dancing at amateur Lithuanian folk dances groupes. Wecompared the results with a control group: a) young and middleagedLithuanian folk dances dancing people (N = 38, average of age 47years) b) not dancing Lithuania seniors (N = 71, average of age73 years); c) not dancing North Wales seniors (N = 20, average ofage 85 years). A total of 152 persons.The results. The path and the visual area of the balance center ofLithuanian folk dances dancing seniors is better, that is to confirmthat folk dances is an effective preventive instrument for balancetraining (p ≤ 0.05). The best balance indicators are of young andmiddle-aged individuals dancing Lithuanian folk dances. AmongLithuania seniors dancing Lithuanian folk dances, not unlike notdancing Lithuania seniors, found significant deviation from the Xand Y axes velocities, which suggests that the dancing people areable to coordinate movements faster. This study confirms that thepeople dancing folk dances are characterized by well-developedcompensatory mechanism in response to a state of weightlessness. Itcan be assumed that in case of situations where there is a chance offalling, these individuals will faster respond to the various obstaclesand will suffer less falls.Our study opens up new possibilities for intercultural studiesinvolving different countries folk dances dancing seniors and otherpersons at various life ages. Study type is prospective/Evidencelevel is 2.
Keyword(s): Lithuanian folk dances, balance, elderly, posturographic assesment, “Sigma Balance PAD”.
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2014.106
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