Simona Dzimanavičiūtė, Margarita Jasaitytė, Daiva Mačiulienė
The article presents the research about links between adultdietary habits and caries formation.The people in research wasrandomly selected , 153 valuanteers from Kauno kolegija andadults from private odontology clinics, who wanted to answer thequestionnaire, they were 18 – 65 years old. Research showed thatdental caries prevalence among adults was 100 %. Dental cariesprevalence among adults was 100 percent. Dental caries intensityindicator index was of the average value – 5.6. Half of adult eatinghabits are not healthy. Among adults surveyed (67%) accountedfor most of the carbohydrate diets. Of these, only 10 percent ofdiet consisted of milk products. Vegetables (3%) and fish (5%)were of little nutritional diet. It was found that high carbohydrateconsumption and unbalanced vegetables, fish, meat and dairyconsumption is significantly associated with high caries intensity
Keyword(s): dietary habits, caries formation
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2014.108
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