Physician Attitudes To Their Duty To Follow Scientific Guidelines at the Infectious Disease and Tb Hospital

Arvydas Šilys, Viktoras Justickis Abstract Lithuanian law on patient rights and damage indemnificationimposes on a doctor the duty to follow the new diagnostic andtreatment guidelines (recommendations) and to obey the currentmedical professional standards of healthcare.The paper focuses on the awareness of doctors on the newestmedical knowledge, on their attitudes toward new medicalrecommendations and on their…

Postoperative Patient Nursing After Brain Neurosurgery

Jonas Sąlyga, Artūras Razbadauskas, Tatjana Žuravliova, Irutė Plepienė, Geriuldas Žiliukas Abstract Postoperative nursing of patients depends on nurses, especiallyin neurosurgery, when situation can change very fast and a nursehas to observe and react on time. Patients after cerebrovasculardisorders or neurosurgical operations experience more or less disabilities,which influence their further social life and work activities.Nurse plays…

Mental Health Nurses’ Work-Related Stress Assessment Methodology

Agnė Stolygaitė, Indrė Pušinaitytė, Viktorija Grigaliūnienė Abstract The present article seeks to introduce The Psychiatric NurseJob Stressor Scale (PNJSS). 82 psychiatric nurses (ages ranging25–70 years, M = 48,49, SD=9,56) from Lithuanian psychiatrichospitals were assesed. The measure consists of 4 subscales:Psychiatric Nursing Ability (Cronbach’s alpha 0,702; M = 148,59;SD = 98,93), Attitude of Patients (Cronbach’s alpha…

Psycho-Emotional State of the Factors Determining the Postpartum Period

Jonas Sąlyga, Geriuldas Žiliukas, Aušra Geštautienė, Sigutė Norkienė Abstract Woman after childbirth may face mental health problems. Onaverage, 10-20 percent. women experiencing postnatal mentaldisorders. The aim of this research is to analyze the determinantsof psycho-emotional state of the postpartum period.Material and methods. Survey was conducted using quantitativemethod. Data analysis used a statistical software package „SPSS17.0.1…

Long Term Results in Cervical Cancer Patients Treated with Radiotherapy

Konstantinas Povilas Valuckas, Vitalija Samerdokienė, Ernestas Janulionis, Vydmantas Atkočius Abstract Ionizing radiation, used to treat cancer, may cause SPNs overtime. During this research, SPN prevalence was evaluated among662 patients, diagnosed with IIB and IIIB stage of cancer cervixuteri. These patients were treated by radiotherapy during the 1989-1999 year period. Treatment for the first group of…

Hemodialysis Unit Medical Staff Risk Factors and their Effect on Health Analysis

Sigutė Norkienė, Jonas Sąlyga, Vida Jankauskienė, Eglė Dimaitė Abstract In 2008 October – 2009 February The anonymous questionnaireswere interviewed Samogitian (in Klaipėda, Telšiai, Šiauliai)hemodialysis section 173 of the medical staff: 17 physicians, 115general nurses and 41 nurse’s assistant. Statistical analysis wasperformed using SPSS program (version 11.5).The study found that 5.9 percent doctors, 10.4 percent nursesand…

Anesthesiologic Parameters, Outcomes and Complications After Aorta Ascendens, Aorta Descendens and Aortic Arch Prosthesis Operations

Julius Vidikas, Edmundas Širvinskas Abstract Aim: Evaluation of anesthesiologic parameters, outcomesand complications amongst patients who underwent thoracic aortaprosthesis operations.Methods: Retrospectively 47 patients surgery protocols fromLithuanian Health Sciences University, department of cardiosurgery– intensive therapy. Relevant data was analyzed: age, premedicationselection, hemodinamic parameters, perfusion duration, frequencyof re-oparations, outcomes.Results: Mean age of males 60,8 ± were reviewed 13,87,…

Patients After Stroke Functional Status Changes in the Process of Rehabilitation

Jonas Sąlyga, Geriuldas Žiliukas, Henrikas Kazlauskas, Sigutė Norkienė, Monika Kasiliauskaitė Abstract Society is recognized that stroke is a life- threatening condition.Although the death rate from stroke decreases cerebrovasculardisease remains one of the major causes of death and disabilityreasons in many European Union countries, and the high incidencerate of stroke and serious consequences is one of…

Influence of Regional Anesthesia to Chronic Leg’ Wounds Management

Domantas Rainys, Giedrė Diržytė, Brigita Alenskaitė, Ramūnas Tamošiūnas, Alina Vilkė, Andrius Macas Abstract Chronic wound managment is complex, full of challenges.One of the main succesful chronic wounds management step isdebridment – removal of necrotic, infected and fibrotic tissue.However, surgical manipulation is painful, that’s why is soimportant in working team anaesthesiologist for chronc woundmanagement. Patient with…

The Role of Cmr Imaging for the Differential Diagnosis of Right-Sided Intracardiac Masses: a Case Report

Nomeda Valevičienė, Žaneta Petrulionienė, Laura Keinaitė, Marius Urbonas Abstract Materials and methods: intracardiac masses are describedas abnormal structures inside the heart orimmediately concerned to the heart [1] and can beclassified as a cardiac tumor, metastasis, ,,thrombusin situ”/,,embolus in transit”, vegetation or iatrogenicmaterial [2, 3]. The precise diagnosis is essentialdue to the necessity of the expedient…

Prevalence of Stress and Fatigue Between Seamen and Onshore Workers

Lolita Rapolienė, Jonas Sąlyga, Geriuldas Žiliukas, Sigutė Norkienė Abstract Stress prevalence is increasing worldwide and it is consideredas a serious health problem. Different professions are associatedwith the different stress level. Objective: to assess stress andfatigue differences and possible courses between seamen andonshore workers. Methods: 600 respondens including 220 seamenand 380 onshore workers survey, general symptoms…

The Quality of Life of Patients with Implanted Electrical Cardiac Pacemakers

Aida Smagurienė, Jonas Sąlyga, Vida Mockienė Abstract The electric cardiac pacemaker (ECP) is implanted for treatmentof patients with complex heart pace and conductivity disorders. Dueto this, patients have to adapt to physical and emotional changesin their body. It is crucial to teach them because reinforcing theirknowledge on the ECP facilitates the adaptation to these changes.Also,…