Agnė Stolygaitė, Indrė Pušinaitytė, Viktorija Grigaliūnienė
The present article seeks to introduce The Psychiatric NurseJob Stressor Scale (PNJSS). 82 psychiatric nurses (ages ranging25–70 years, M = 48,49, SD=9,56) from Lithuanian psychiatrichospitals were assesed. The measure consists of 4 subscales:Psychiatric Nursing Ability (Cronbach’s alpha 0,702; M = 148,59;SD = 98,93), Attitude of Patients (Cronbach’s alpha 0,706), AttitudeToward Nursing (Cronbach’s alpha 0,736) and Communication(Cronbach’s alpha 0,706) – 22 items in total. Reasearch showedCronbach’s alpha of the scale to be 0,700. Main stresor groups(subscales) can be evaluated separately.
Keyword(s): mental health, stress, nurses
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2014.079
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