Aida Smagurienė, Jonas Sąlyga, Vida Mockienė
The electric cardiac pacemaker (ECP) is implanted for treatmentof patients with complex heart pace and conductivity disorders. Dueto this, patients have to adapt to physical and emotional changesin their body. It is crucial to teach them because reinforcing theirknowledge on the ECP facilitates the adaptation to these changes.Also, teaching has a significant influence on the patients’ quality oflife and self-care. Thesis objective: to analyze the patients’ qualityof life after the implantation of ECP.Research methods: quantitative study applying the questionnairemethod. The quantitative research (conducted according to thestandard SF-36 questionnaire) sample with an applied targetselection consisted of 177 patients. The research was conveyedaccording to ethical principles. Results: patients with implantedECP negatively assessed their mental health including vitality/exuberance and the limitation of activity due to emotional disorders.The interaction between the symptoms of the disease significantlydeteriorated all areas of life related to physical and mental health.The summarized physical health (R=-0.31) and mental health(R=-0.30) were also negatively influenced. The age and educationlevel of patients did not have great influence on the emotional staterelated to communication and acquisition of information. However,the interaction between the symptoms significantly (p<0.001)deteriorated them. Conclusion: the quality of life in patients withimplanted ECP is influenced by their physical and mental healthas well as the interaction between the symptoms.
Keyword(s): quality of life, teaching, patients with implanted ECP
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2014.070
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