Konstantinas Povilas Valuckas, Vitalija Samerdokienė, Ernestas Janulionis, Vydmantas Atkočius


Ionizing radiation, used to treat cancer, may cause SPNs overtime. During this research, SPN prevalence was evaluated among662 patients, diagnosed with IIB and IIIB stage of cancer cervixuteri. These patients were treated by radiotherapy during the 1989-1999 year period. Treatment for the first group of patients (N=287)consisted of 60Co gammatherapy and HDR 60Co brachytherapy,while the second group of patients (N=375) was treated by 60Cogammatherapy and HDR 252Cf neutron brachytherapy.A significant amount of data is available on after gammatherapySPN frequency and localizations. On the other hand, there is alack of research on treating cancer of cervix uteri by 252Cf neutronbrachytherapy. Over a 25 year-period, 43 SPN cases were observedin total, which amounts to 6.5% of all observed patients. Out ofthese, 25 cases (6.7%) were observed in the 252Cf brachytherapygroup, while 18 cases (6.3%) – in the 60Co brachytherapy group.Results show that exposures received during 60Co gamma and 252Cfneutron brachytherapy had equivalent effects on SPN development.After a review of related literature and the results of ourresearch, it is certain, that a detailed investigation of SPN frequency,localization and dose of exposure to adjacent organs is a suitabletopic for further research.

Keyword(s): second primary neoplasms, cervical cancer
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2014.077
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