Jonas Sąlyga, Geriuldas Žiliukas, Henrikas Kazlauskas, Sigutė Norkienė, Monika Kasiliauskaitė


Society is recognized that stroke is a life- threatening condition.Although the death rate from stroke decreases cerebrovasculardisease remains one of the major causes of death and disabilityreasons in many European Union countries, and the high incidencerate of stroke and serious consequences is one of the most importantmedical problems of today . The aim was to evaluate patients afterstroke functional status change in the rehabilitation process. 112stroke patients in treatment and rehabilitation facility in patientswith an average age of 46 years old. Of these, 53.6 per cent. werewomen. Patients were subject to complex rehabilitation treatment,which patients worked full rehabilitation team. Data analysis wasused to case history data. Patients‘ health status was assessed on twopatients on arrival and departure from the medical establishment. Their cognitive function was assessed using a standardized briefmental state examination (MMSE) and the independence of theirdaily lives was assessed in a standardized Functional IndependenceMeasure (FIM). The data were processed using SPSS softwarepackages and STATSTICA . Statistical analysis of data showed that the patients‘ functional status after stroke other positive changes asrehabilitation and improvement of cognitive , self-care and dailyfunctions. General cognitive status of patients differed significantlyin the course of rehabilitation received strong positive relationship,it shows the ratio p (0.85), which indicate a strong positiverelationship. The analysis of the overall condition of subjectsdepending on the type of stroke, it was found that patients withischemic stroke general cognitive status was better than before therehabilitation of patients with hemorrhagic stroke. Recovering, theyalso achieved better results , their data is statistically significantlydifferent (p< 0.05). Overall the condition of independence in dailylife as well as a statistically significant difference in the course ofrehabilitation , and the correlation coefficient p (0.93) showed a verystrong positive relationship. Our results showed improvements inpatients after stroke and cognitive and self-care functions changeduring the course of inpatient rehabilitation. It was also found thatthe improvement in cognitive function and improving self-carein daily life. This shows the correlation coefficient p (0.54). Theanalysis of patients with stroke rehabilitation efficiency dependingon demographic characteristics , they found that patients‘ functionalstatus significantly improved dynamics depending on the typeof stroke . It was also found that patients felt better living in thecity than in rural areas , although these data are not statisticallysignificant . The analysis of functional status changes depending onthe sex , it was found that the general condition was better for menthan for women. As well as their rehabilitation was more successfulthan women , although these data were not significantly different

Keyword(s): stroke, functional status and rehabilitation
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2014.074
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