Prevalence of Stress and Fatigue Between Seamen and Onshore Workers

Lolita Rapolienė, Jonas Sąlyga, Geriuldas Žiliukas, Sigutė Norkienė Abstract Stress prevalence is increasing worldwide and it is consideredas a serious health problem. Different professions are associatedwith the different stress level. Objective: to assess stress andfatigue differences and possible courses between seamen andonshore workers. Methods: 600 respondens including 220 seamenand 380 onshore workers survey, general symptoms…

Psychoemotional Stress of Seafarers and Measures for Prevention

Lolita Rapolienė, Jonas Sąlyga Abstract Stress as a psichophysiological phenomenon inextricably linked with human occupation and strongly influence its effectiveness, often by reducing performance. Investigations in Europe Union shows, that more than 50% of workers are affected by work- related stress. Experts estimated up to 70% of cases associated with emotional stress and it influences…

Analysis of fatigue in patients with type II diabetes

Margarita Staniūtė Abstract Patients with type II diabetes often feel tired, weak, complaining about lack of energy, but this problem is a little examines. The aim of the study was to examine patients with type II diabetes experiencing fatigue according to the sociodemographic factors, duration of illness and complications, according to psychoemotional status and diabetes management success. There were…