Jelena Cesarskaja, Mantė Eidininkienė, Andrius Macas Abstract Background and aims: Preanesthetic assessment is an inseparable part of every anesthesiologist practice. There are some tools and tests to anticipate the possible risks and prepare an appropriate anesthesia plan and latest guidelines encourage using them by system. The aim of this study was to investigate preanesthetic evaluation…

Influence of Regional Anesthesia to Chronic Leg’ Wounds Management

Domantas Rainys, Giedrė Diržytė, Brigita Alenskaitė, Ramūnas Tamošiūnas, Alina Vilkė, Andrius Macas Abstract Chronic wound managment is complex, full of challenges.One of the main succesful chronic wounds management step isdebridment – removal of necrotic, infected and fibrotic tissue.However, surgical manipulation is painful, that’s why is soimportant in working team anaesthesiologist for chronc woundmanagement. Patient with…

Patient’s Attitudes and Concerns Regarding Anaesthesia Method

Dagnė Birutė, Tomas Bukauskas, Andrius Macas Abstract Patients often have preconceptions about their planned procedures, therefore they have their own opinion about different types of anesthesia. We conducted a prospective questionnaire survey of surgical patients with the aim to investigate patients‘ attitudes to different methods of anesthesia (patients had to agree or not with some…