Dagnė Birutė, Tomas Bukauskas, Andrius Macas


Patients often have preconceptions about their planned procedures, therefore they have their own opinion about different types of anesthesia. We conducted a prospective questionnaire survey of surgical patients with the aim to investigate patients‘ attitudes to different methods of anesthesia (patients had to agree or not with some statements about types of anesthesia) and find out the reasons for their choices and what general characteristics (age, sex, education, previous anesthesia, etc.) could lead to their choice. I-III ASA class patients undergoing elective surgery were asked to answer the questionnaire of 25 questions – 21 questions before and 4 after surgery. Patients were visited preoperative day and the second day after surgery. The survey involved 101 patients. The results suggest that the proposed type of anesthesia depends on the operation type. The patient‘s choice of anesthesia is not led by their sex, age, education, previous operations, unpleasant sensations in the previous operations. Patients also tend to congregate anesthesiologist recommended anesthesia. According to the findings, we can conclude that the anesthesiologist’s proposed anesthesia type patients accepted as the best and it formed patients‘ opinion about the different types of anesthesia.http://dx.doi.org/10.5200/sm-hs.2013.048

Article in Lithuanian

Keyword(s): anesthesia; anesthesia type selection; patient approach to anesthesia techniques
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2013.047
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