Regulation Of Complementary And Alternative Medicine In Lithuania: Issues And Perspectives

Brigita Kreivinienė, Jolanta Vaičiulienė, Sigutė Norkienė, Gitana Skirutienė Abstract Lithuania and throughout Europe, the apparent complementary and alternative medicine (here in after – PAM) for demand growth, perceived exploitation potential at-regulated jurisdiction. The debate stems from the concept of the PAM, domain definition, emerging services methodologies, so-called standards, professional qualifications, licensing procedures. The aim –…

The Preferences Of Physicians And Nurses Regarding Advance Directives

Eimantas Peičius, Aurelija Blaževičienė, Raimundas Kaminskas Abstract The concept of advance directives and their application in practice is still terra incognita in Lithuanian healthcare. Globally, the patient’s living will as a legal and ethical tool for end of life decision-making is considered one of the most important challenges for the future of healthcare. This article…

Women With Cervical Cancer Nursing Care

Giedrė Paulikaitė, Lina Gedrimė, Artūras Razbadauskas Abstract The aim of the analysis of women with cervical cancer nursing care. The study was conducted in 2013-2015. Applied survey conducted in writing, by filling the anonymous questionnaire. The study consisted of not accidental taking contingent, which were included: womens with vorious stages of cervical cancer, having treatment…

Work Environmental Factors Impact On Life Satisfaction Of Nurses

Raimonda Jonikaitė, Indrė Brasaitė Abstract Nurses in their work are exposed to the factors that affect their health, working capacity and physical state: high physical workload, night shifts, psychological violence, organizational drawbacks, job duties stressors. Life and work satisfaction depends on these factors and influences quality of care, patient safety, employee retention and their commitment…

Nurses Knowledge Of Tracheostomy Cuff Care Before And After Training

Silva Kostyliovienė, Alina Vaškelytė, Dovilė Grinkevičiūtė Abstract Tracheostomy tube cuff care is associated with a high risk of the patient’s health, it is important that nurses should have scientific evidence-based knowledge about the cuff care. If the nurses will have the knowledge and good practical skills to supervise quality tracheostomy tube cuff, it will reduce…

Nurses’ Knowledge And Skills In Technique Of Secretion Suctioning From Tracheostomy Tube

Alina Vaškelytė, Silva Kostyliovienė, Dovilė Grinkevičiūtė Abstract Technique of secretion suctioning from tracheostomy tube can influence the incidence of complications and determine patient‘s safety, possibility of recovery, the duration of treatment and the cost of treatment. It is critical for nurses to be aware of tracheostomy care recommendations based on scientific research and to apply…

Assessment Of Women’s Expectations Of Care

Alina Liepinaitienė, Ingrida Poškienė Abstract The patient’s priorities, expectations, evaluation becomes an important step towards the implementation of the patient’s medical advice expectations. Patient expectations are important not only as his opinion, their justification affect patient satisfaction with healthcare services, treatment regime and the continuation of treatment, and treatment outcomes. There were no other survey…

New Trends In Intensive Care Unit Sedation

Ieva Norkienė, Tomas Jovaiša, Mindaugas Šerpytis Abstract Ensuring patients safety and comfort is an important part of treatment applied in intensive care. Critical illness is associated with pain, agitation and often predispose development of intensive care unit delirium. Moreover, critical conditions and life threatening diseases often require aggressive organ system support and long term immobilization.…

Mirror Therapy Influence On Motoric And Sensory Functions, Also Pain Syndrome And Associative Brain Cortex Reorganization After Stroke

Monika Žilionytė, Jurgita Savickaitė, Andrius Kederys, Lina Varžaitytė Abstract Aim: to overview strong evidence-based literature, related to mirror therapy (MT) efficiency on patients after head brain stroke. Research material and methods: systemic analysis was grounded by academic articles, found in the following databases: PubMed, BioMedCentral, Tylor &Francis, Cohrane Library, Science Direct. Search of academic articles…

The Prevalence Of Acute Neuropathic Pain After Surgery In Hospital Of Lithuanian University Of Health Sciences Kaunas Clinics

Liuda Brogienė, Dovilė Bendinskaitė, Miglė Siderkevičiutė, Aida Kinderytė, Gintarė Žemgulytė, Andrius Macas Abstract Background. Acute neuropathic pain can be one of the post-surgical pain components, which is often under-recognized and complicated to treat. The prevalence of pain with neuropathic characteristics in general population is about 6 – 8%. Moreover, it might to progress and become…

Perioperative Fluid Management For Patients With Abdominal Sepsis

Monika Sasnauskaitė, Tomas Bukauskas, Andrius Macas Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate perioperative fluid management for patients with abdominal sepsis during urgent surgery. Methodology: A prospective study of 88 patients was carried out in Lithuanian University of Health Sciences from 2016 April to August. Patient‘s demographic data, weight, evaluation of ASA classes,…