Alina Liepinaitienė, Ingrida Poškienė
The patient’s priorities, expectations, evaluation becomes an important step towards the implementation of the patient’s medical advice expectations. Patient expectations are important not only as his opinion, their justification affect patient satisfaction with healthcare services, treatment regime and the continuation of treatment, and treatment outcomes. There were no other survey in Lithuania to carry out trials to examine the care of women given birth expectations. In order that healthcare services are of high quality, it is very important to pay attention not only to the documents that govern the quality of care, but also the women themselves prenatal formed postpartum care expectations. The aim of work: to assess women’s expectations of care. In order to determine women’s expectations of care, was conducted instantaneous survey questionnaire survey women who gave birth. There were 344 postpartum women, who gave birth at X clinic. Study conducted from 1st November 2015 till 29th February 2016 in Obstetric ward. More than half women evaluated midwives work and the information provided during childbirth and the postnatal period in delivery and obstetrics units as very good. More than half of the women said that childbirth and post-partum care expectations were completely fulfilled. Women with higher education statistically significant more frequent delivery and obstetrics units’ midwives work evaluated as very good and well than women with lower education. Statistically significant married women delivery and obstetrics units’ midwives information provided evaluated as very good and well than unmarried women. Working women statistically significant post-partum care kept fully and partially justified of expectations of childbirth than unemployed women.
Keyword(s): expectations of care; healthcare quality; postpartum period; childbirth.
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2016.117
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