Algirdas Juozulynas, Algirdas Venalis, Antanas Jurgelėnas, Audrius Gocentas, Vaineta Valeikienė, Dalia Stasytytė – Bunevičienė, Mažena Orlovskaja
Health is more than the absence of disease or infirmity. This is a comprehensive physical, spiritual, social well-being. Value is multifaceted, complex, generalized notion of the algorithm as mathematics or artistry of literature. Values on the place the person‘s life, but its expression in different stages of life is different, and it is interpreted in different ways by different authors. The aim of study was to investigate the health of young residents of Vilnius, values and their internalization.The study involved Vilnius Vilnius residents 25-35 years. 310 respondents were interviewed of which 93 men and 217 women. Statistically significant difference between men‘s and women‘s overall health status (p = 0,05). Men‘s health was rated moderately. It was also found a weak positive correlation between satisfaction with life and church attendance. According to the obtained results it can be said that those respondents who attend church more often- are more satisfied with their lives. More than half of young Vilnius residents described their health as good, and even 21.9% of the respondents rated health as very good and only 1.6% – as bad. Women tend to appreciate health, love, faith, hope, culture, and national identity, and men are more important valuables. Vilnius residentswho attend church more often – are more satisfied with their lives, less weary of life troubles and failures. It is also found that the mood of subjects directly correlates with religion. Hope – one of the most important promoters of life making a positive impact on young people‘s health and it shows a statistically significant correlation. Those young people who live in the bright hope of a better state of health. Thus, studies have shown that going positive young Vilnius residents internalization absorption values , cognitive, emotional and behavioural components of life on the road.
Keyword(s): young Vilnius residents, health, values, internalization.
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2014.018
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