Aurelija Meškaitė, Rūta Dadelienė, Ireneusz M. Kowalski, Sigita Burokienė, Judita Doveikienė, Alvydas Juocevičius, Juozas Raistenskis
Many studies in different countries show the tendency of decrease of teenagers physical activity and grow of number of health problems, diseases and physically weak pupils. The aim of research work: to examine physical activity and physical fitness for 11-15 years old teenagers, to search for relationship between these factors.
The research was carried out in February–December 2011 at Utena Vyturiai Basic School. The study included 11-15 years old teenagers. There were performed the analysis of medical documentation; anonymous questionnaire; anthroposcopy; anthropometry; Eurofit tests; heart rate counting; Rufje test. Data statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 20.0 and Microsoft Excel 2010 software package.
The results of the research showed, that there are less than one-third completely healthy teenagers who belong to the first health group, most common health problems are: cardiovascular diseases (29,7 percent)., optical disorders (24,1 percent)., musculo-skeletal disorders (14,8 percent). These health problems are more frequent among 14-15 years old teenagers. Physical fitness of 14-15 years old teenagers is worse compared to 11-13 years old teenagers: almost one-third (28 percent) 14-15 years old teenagers are overweight, 15 percent have poor posture and 14 percent – incorrect shape of lower extremities, while 11-13 year old teenagers only: 4 percent, 6 percent and 6 percent. Physical capacity of the majority of pupils is moderate and only 2,6 percent of pupils have high physical capacity. Physical fitness of teenagers is poor: investigated physical characteristics have range from 3,2 to 6,3 points. Physical activity of teenagers is not sufficient: a large part of teenagers avoid the activity in physical education classes, does not participate in after school sports activities, take exercises too rarely or don’t take exercise at all, spend a lot of time for passive recreation. Frequency of physical exercises, activity in physical education and time of passive leisure are factors which have impact to 11-15 years teenagers physical condition: their body mass index, posture and functional capacity of cardiovascular system.
Article in Lithuanian
Keyword(s): the state of health for teenagers; physical activity; physical development; functional capacity; posture; physical characteristics
DOI: 10.5200/379
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