Changes In Independence, Functional Capacity And Attitude Towards A Person In Patients After Myocardial Infarction During A Period Of Treatment And At Home

Evelina Lamsodienė, Gedvilė Juškytė Abstract According to statistics, around 8 thousand myocardial infarctions are diagnosed in Lithuania every year. It noticeably deteriorates human’s activity and a person’s life quality, as a result a disability occurs, a blood circulation disorder decreases a person’s working activity, so it becomes more difficult to adapt to the environment. In…

The Research of Physical Activity and Physical Fitness for 11-15 Years Old Teenagers

Aurelija Meškaitė, Rūta Dadelienė, Ireneusz M. Kowalski, Sigita Burokienė, Judita Doveikienė, Alvydas Juocevičius, Juozas Raistenskis Abstract Many studies in different countries show the tendency of decrease of teenagers physical activity and grow of number of health problems, diseases and physically weak pupils. The aim of research work: to examine physical activity and physical fitness for…