Lolita Rapolienė, Antanas Jurgelėnas, Jonas Sąlyga
Lifestyle – set of habits and traditions formed and enhancedunder the influence of socialization, work, cultural and other activityprocesses throughout a whole individual life. The aim: to indentifythe most important factors which affect healthy lifestyle of peoplepracticing different living styles. Methods: the instantaneous surveyof 600 working respondents of 25-64 years with not less than 5working years was done of which 220 were seafarers and 380-different onshore workers. In order to determine lifestyle and factorweight of seafarers and citizens factor analysis was done. Results:according to the factorial weights the same lifestyle featuresof seafarers and citizens slightly regrouped forming identicalbut with different significance living styles. Representatives ofdifferent living styles- seafarers and onshore workers-had thesame factors forming healthy lifestyle: stress at work (0,652 and0,753) and life stress (0,577 and 0,684), mental fatigue (0,462 and0,684), feeling at work (0,485 and 0,609), duration of duty threatto security (-0,719 and -0,630), education (0,484 and 0,718) andharmful habits (smoking frequency – 0,407 and 0,711, numberof cigarettes – 0,466 and 0,781, consumptions of alcohol at work(0,603 and 0,507) and at home (0,741 and 0,578) and alcoholamount (0,634 and 0,788); specific factors only for seafarers areworking hours per day(0,795), working hours per week (0,435)and salary (0,462), while onshore workers lifestyle is influencedby marital status (0,695) and physical fatigue (-0,619). Differentcommon latent factors means and correlations between healthrisk and sociodemographic and lifestyle factors were establishedamong groups. Conclusions: stress at work and life related stress,mental fatigue, feeling at work, duration of duty threat to security,education and harmful habits are important for factors for formingthe healthy lifestyle for both different living styles; differences inliving styles are determining other important health factors: forseafarers- working conditions and salary, for onshore workersmaritalstatus and physical fatigue. Mean of latent risk factor inseafarers is significantly higher than in onshore workers (0,456and -0,371, p<0,001), and mean of cognitive factor – less (-0,278and 0,226, p=0,003). Primary prevention through behavioral andenvironmental interventions- lifestyle- is the most cost-effectivealternative for the prevention of chronic diseases.
Keyword(s): seamen, health risk, lifestyle
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2014.069
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