Prevalence of Stress and Fatigue Between Seamen and Onshore Workers

Lolita Rapolienė, Jonas Sąlyga, Geriuldas Žiliukas, Sigutė Norkienė Abstract Stress prevalence is increasing worldwide and it is consideredas a serious health problem. Different professions are associatedwith the different stress level. Objective: to assess stress andfatigue differences and possible courses between seamen andonshore workers. Methods: 600 respondens including 220 seamenand 380 onshore workers survey, general symptoms…

The Influence of Different Lifestyles on Health Risk

Lolita Rapolienė, Antanas Jurgelėnas, Jonas Sąlyga Abstract Lifestyle – set of habits and traditions formed and enhancedunder the influence of socialization, work, cultural and other activityprocesses throughout a whole individual life. The aim: to indentifythe most important factors which affect healthy lifestyle of peoplepracticing different living styles. Methods: the instantaneous surveyof 600 working respondents of…