Effect Of Kinesio Taping On Lower Back Pain And Spinal Mobility For Men And Women

Rasa Bacevičienė, Laura Janušonienė, Milda Gintilienė Abstract The most commonly occurring lower back pain is treated with an alternative method – kinesio taping. This method restores the correct muscle function, improves blood circulation and lymph flow, reduces pain by acting the physiological mechanisms, corrects joint position through proprioreception, restores the correct muscle function. The aim…

The Efficiency of Ergonomics Training Programs for Children 9-13 Years Old

Rasa Barčytė, Juozas Raistenskis, Alvydas Juocevičius, Teresė Palšytė Abstract The aim of research work: – to evaluate the effectiveness of different ergonomics training programs for children of 9-13 years old. Methodology: 50 children, 9-13 years old, who were receiving treatment at Children hospital of physical medicine and rehabilitation’s department participated in the study. Study was…