Rasa Bacevičienė, Laura Janušonienė, Milda Gintilienė
The most commonly occurring lower back pain is treated with an alternative method – kinesio taping. This method restores the correct muscle function, improves blood circulation and lymph flow, reduces pain by acting the physiological mechanisms, corrects joint position through proprioreception, restores the correct muscle function. The aim was to determine the men‘s and women‘s pain and spinal mobility changes in lower back using kinesio taping. The study involved 10 patients aged 46.1 ± 4.95 years, who sufferers lower back pain. For all subjects radiological studies revealed L5-S1 intervertebral disk herniation. Pain was assessed every 4 hours by VAS scale and spine mobility before and after kinesio taping. Two 20cm long and 5 cm wide K-Active strips were used for kinesio taping. The results indicated that kinezio taping increased lower spine mobility – the impact on women was higher than in men; and reduced the pain in lower spine after 20 hours after kinesio taping. The most remarkable and the longest lasting pain reduction was observed in 44-56 hours; it was higher for women than for men.
Keyword(s): back pain; spinal mobility; kinesio taping.
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2015.104
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