Jurgita Andruškienė
The aim of the study was to evaluate influence of organizational climate on school workers‘ health, evaluated by salutogenic health indicators. The teachers (n=242) and other school workers (n=78) from randomly selected 4 Radviliskis city schools were questioned using Organizational Climate Questionnaire, which reflected areas: organizational purposes, management style, motivation, formal and unformal communication, decision making, control and workers‘ safety feeling. Health was evaluated according to Salutogenic Health Indicator Scale (SHIS). SHIS was created according the holistic health concept, which is based on the positive health evaluation. The questionnaire of Personal data contained the questions about respondents‘ age, gender, position, number of years while working in education system, working schedule and workload. The differences between means were tested with independent samples t–test and F criteria. The major part of respondents was middle aged females, which experience in the education system was greater than 10 years.
The areas of formal and unformal comunication and management style were evaluated by the highest scores. Improvement of these organizational climate areas would give an opportunity to improve workers‘ sense of coherence and strenghen the possibilities to cope with stress at work. The highest standardized SHIS scores, respectively 51.6 and 52.0 were calculated for young (≤39 years) and male persons. Decreasing SHIS mean scores with age have demonstrated the decreasing possibilities to cope with stress at work. Organizational climate could influence the workers‘ health and well–being. Weak but statistically significant relation was estimated between organizational climate and school workers‘ health, evaluated by salutogenic health indicators.
Keyword(s): organizational climate, school, health, salutogenesis.
DOI: 10.5200/185
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