Mykolas Baltrūnas, Albinas Bagdonas, Antanas Kairys, Audronė Liniauskaitė, Vilmantė Pakalniškienė
The main objective of this study was to research the personality traits of substance abusers in rehabilitation centers and correctional facilities, and their possible connections with well-being. To obtain this objective, four goals were set: 1. to evaluate personality traits of substance abusers and to compare it with Lithuania’s representative sample; 2. to evaluate the well-being of substance abusers and to compare it with Lithuania’s representative sample; 3. to evaluate possible connections between personality traits and well-being of substance abusers; 4. to presume future guidelines for studies in this particular field. Two instruments have been used – Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory – 2TM (MMPI-2) and Lithuanian scale of well-being. There were 75 substance abusers, involved in this study, of which 28 were from correctional facilities and 47 from psychosocial rehabilitation centers. The results revealed such tendencies: 1. Personality traits of substance abusers and those of Lithuania’s representative sample differed in most of MMPI-2 scales (especially psychopathy). Personality traits of sentenced men were less likely to differ from norms than those of who were not sentenced. 2. Substance abusers were less satisfied in general and in most areas of life, comparing to Lithuania’s representative sample. However substance abusers were slightly more satisfied with their physical health than people in representative sample. 3. While comparing personality traits and well-being, strongest connections have been found with: psychopathy, paranoia, psychasthenia, depression, poor self-esteem and familial problems, negative emotionality, low satisfaction with interpersonal relations, low satisfaction with physical health and general well-being. 4. Larger samples of substance abusers should be researched in future studies, also other important aspects – such as methods of treatment – should also be taken into account.
Article in Lithuanian
Keyword(s): drug abusers; rehabilitation; personality; psychological well-being
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2013.139
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