Personality Traits And Social Competence Of The Offenders Against Children

Zdzisław Majchrzyk, Karolina Grzywińska-Aleksandrowicz Abstract The aim of the present study aims to find out whether preferential child molesters differ from situational child molesters in terms of the level of the Big Five personality traits, self-esteem and social competence, as well as relations between them. The group of preferential molesters consisted of 55 men convicted…

Personality Traits of Substance Abusers in Rehabilitation Centers

Mykolas Baltrūnas, Albinas Bagdonas, Antanas Kairys, Audronė Liniauskaitė, Vilmantė Pakalniškienė Abstract The main objective of this study was to research the personality traits of substance abusers in rehabilitation centers and correctional facilities, and their possible connections with well-being. To obtain this objective, four goals were set: 1. to evaluate personality traits of substance abusers and…