Danguolė Drungilienė
There is persisting number of persons dependent on drugs in Lithuania. Most of those diagnosed with dependence are the opioid
users. Mental health nurses working with these patients, helping them to change attitudes to themselves, to believe in a possibility
of recovery. A patient comes to the health care institution has certain expectations, which affect patients‘ satisfaction with the services provided. In order to develop and improve the quality of service, rating of patients expectations fulfilling enables the aspects in which patients were most dissatisfied. The aim of the study was to analyze the nursing care compatibility with the expectations of patients with opioid dependence. Research methods: research study consists of 122 people have used drugs, which were dependent on opioids and receiving methadone or buprenorphine treatment; and 36 mental health nurses working with addiction patients. Information was collected using questionnaires for patients and nurses. Statistical data analysis was performed. P-values less than 0.05 were interpreted as statistically significant. Results: Nurses work with addictive patients by most of the patients was evaluated as hard, professional competency was evaluated positively, and communications with the nurses were pleasuring and easy. Most patients were satisfied how nurses communicate with them. Patient satisfaction with received health care was associated with age and education. Older patients evaluated nurses’ professionalism better. They have a better evaluation of nursing care, interest and fairness nursing patients. The level of evaluation on how nurses are performing nursing procedures for their goodwill, selflessness, and the patient’s right to privacy and confidentiality by patients with higher education was less than by patients with lower education.
Keyword(s): nurse, patients, opinion, opioid dependence.
DOI: 10.5200/237
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