Alvydas Česas, Rugilė Česaitė


Giant cell tumor (GCT) is a rare, benign tumor, however shows a tendency for significant bone destruction, local recurrence and occasionally metastasis. Most patients present with slowly progressive pain, local swelling and pathologic bone fractures. Local treatment is the most effective treatment for giant cell tumors. Wide local excision is associated with a lower recurrence rate, althoug classically, treatment is with curettage and local adjuvant treatment. In surgically unsalvageable cases other local treatment options should be considered: radiotherapy or systemic treatment with denosumab. In rare cases GCT may transform to aggresive sarcomas or spread to the lungs. In case of sarcomas, patients should be treated by standart sarcomas protocols.

Keyword(s): giant cell tumor; denosumab; currettage; Magnetic resonance imaging; radiotherapy; VAS pain scale; NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflamotary drugs); PTH (parathormon); TTH (thyreotropic hormone).
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2015.068
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