Urtė Sudnickaitė, Brigita Aidukienė, Kazys Simanauskas
Constipation is a highly prevalent disorder in the primary care. The observed morbidity differences between gender, age, socioeconomic classes with different feeding habits, physical activity and related diseases.
Aim. To evaluate causes, diagnostic, treatment features of constipation in the primary care.
Methods: was made random interviews of people between 20-80 years old. For interview was used questionnaire of KESS (The Knowles- Eccersley- Scott- Symptom scoring system) for the diagnostic of constipation and 13 questions to assess the risks. The pilot testing of questionnaire validity was carried out, the overall Cronbach alpha coefficient is 0.978. Statistical analysis was performed using Microsoft Office Excel 2007 and SPSS 13.0 for Windows data packets.
Results. Was interviewed 320 people, of which 33.13% were established constipations. The average duration of constipation ranged from 18 month up 5 years. The average age of patients with constipation was 56±14.99 years and the healthy group- 41±14.20 years (p<0,05). No differences were observed between man and women (p>0.05). Educational groups incidence of constipation was: high education – 29.19%, secondary – 30.3% and basic – 70.37%. We found, that most respondents eat irregularly, 3-4 times per day. We found, that increased fiber food usage, higher intake of fluid was correlated with lower incidence of constipation, as well as higher levels of physical activity or related chronic diseases (p< 0.05). In assessing treatment, laxatives was used by 132 respondents, including 75.76% of patients with constipation and enemas was used by 53 respondents, including 94.43% of patients with constipation. Observed that only 62.26% of patients with constipation reported seeing a physician and 96.23% are treated independently.
Conclusions: Purposefully interview of patients observed there is a high incidence of constipation. Differences of morbidity between genders are not observe, different than age and education groups. Not all investigated risk factors affect the incidence of constipation increased; mostly affects the small fluid, fiber food intake, physical activity and related chronic diseases. Patients are not give importance to this issue, and so thats why they do not seek a physician often and are treated independently.
Keyword(s): constipation; symptoms; risk factor
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2015.030
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