Aidas Perminas, Ieva Pečiulienė, Gabija Jarašiūnaitė, Loreta Gustainienė
The objective of this research was to evaluate the effectivenessof progressive muscle relaxation and biofeedback relaxation inreducing subjectively perceived stress and increasing distresstolerance. Methods. 111 respondents agreed to participate in thestudy and 90 respondents participated in all 6 sessions. Respondentsparticipated in 4 relaxation sessions of two types: either progressivemuscle relaxation (PRR) or biofeedback relaxation (BRR).Biofeedback relaxation was performed using biofeedback apparatusNeXus-10, produced by Mind Media (The Netherlands). Thesubjects were divided into three groups: biofeedback relaxationgroup (N= 31), progressive muscle relaxation group (N= 30), andcomparison group (N= 29). Results, conclusions. The results of theresearch showed that subjectively perceived stress parameters fromthe first to the second session statistically significantly decreasedin both progressive muscle relaxation and biofeedback relaxationsessions. However, progressive muscle relaxation and biofeedbackrelaxation did not differ in inducing statistically significant changesin subjectively perceived stress. Respondents’ distress toleranceparameters statistically significantly increased from the first tothe second measurement in the sessions of progressive musclerelaxation and biofeedback relaxation and comparison group.However, no statistically significant differences between distresstolerance changes were found with regard to the type of group. Atthe end of each session subjectively perceived tension in musclesstatistically significantly decreased in both progressive musclerelaxation and biofeedback relaxation groups, however, greaterrelaxation changes were in progressive muscle relaxation group.
Keyword(s): subjectively perceived stress changes, distress tolerance, biofeedback relaxation, progressive muscle relaxation, students
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2014.064
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