Laura Rutkauskienė, Viktorija Pisčalkienė, Brigita Zachovajevienė, Milda Gintilienė, Aušra Kavaliauskienė
This article presents the data on balance assessment among the subjects aged 60 years and more. Balance assessment was conducted using assessment platform „Sigma Balance Pad“. Quantitative indicators were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, and correlation analysis. The sample comprised 70 subjects aged 60 years and more, selected using non-probability sampling. Balance was evaluated based on 10 objective indicators: maximum deviation to the left (cm), maximum deviation to the right (cm), maximum deviation to the back (cm), maximum deviation to the front (cm), average deviation X (cm), average deviation Y (cm), average velocity X (cm/s), average velocity Y (cm/s), path width (cm), and path length (cm). The study results showed that average velocity X and average velocity Y positively correlate with path width and path length. This means, that larger width and length are more likely to be observed in subjects with higher average velocity X and Y. Analysis of maximum deviations to front and back revealed some trends that could enable predicting the likelihood of elderly falls towards one or other side. Maximum deviation to the right was associated with maximum deviation to the front, while maximum deviation to the left – with maximum deviation to the back. Balance assessment comparison between subjects aged 60–70 years and aged >70 years showed similar findings which suggests that the balance is determined by other factors than age. Persons with poorer performance on balance test have experienced the falls more frequently. Similarly, the balance performance results were poorer in persons with vertebroneurological and neurological disorders.
Article in Lithuanian
Keyword(s): balance; balance platform „Sigma“; falls; elderly people
DOI: 10.5200/342
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