Šarūnas Klizas, Irina Klizienė, Darius Talačka
The aim of this study were preculiarities of teenagers school anxiety addicted to their gender. There took part in study 100 pupils of age 15 – 16 years old: 45 girls and 55 boys. Evaluation of pupils school anxiety was executed according methodology of C. R. Reynolds and B. O. Richmond, and using questionaire „Evaluation of teenager anxiety“, approved by A. Petrulytė. Investigation of researched addicted to gender showed, that factor of somatic anxiety is in higher level in boys group (p<0,004). There were detected, that 70,3% girls and 54,2% boys have somatic anxiety of average level (χ2 = 23,31; p<0,001). We indentified during school anxiety evaluation analysis, that the most important factors to anxiety afflict are: when parients returns back home from the class meetings (p<0,05) and during examinations, that is specific to girls (p<0,042). Otherwise, by indication when there are problems to complete the home tasks, anxiety is more specific to teenagers boys (p<0,035). There were detected, that teenagers boys have somatic problems more often than girls of the same age. Personality anxiety and social anxiety are slightly different between genders (p>0,05). Basically, for pupils of 15 – 16 years old most important factors to anxiety afflict are: parients returns back home from the class meetings and during examinations – that is specific to girls. Otherwise, by indication, when there are problems to complete the home tasks, anxiety is more specific to teenagers boys.
Article in Lithuanian
Keyword(s): teenagers; school anxiety; gender
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2013.044
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