Irina Banienė, Liuda Šinkariova
The aim of research – to identify woman with breast cancer coping with stress strategies, caused by the illness, and it’s coherency with health-related quality of life. In this research were participating 102 women who have breast cancer. Respondents were selected by these criterions: female, I or II stage of cancer diagnosed, operational treatment was made 1 or 2 months ago, before operational treatment no chemotherapy or radiation therapy were made, first time treated for cancer illness, agreed on participating in research. In this research it was used these questionnaires: Eysenck‘s personality Inventory (EPI), Coping Orientation of Problem Experience test (COPE), EORTC Quality of Life Group life quality test EORTC QLQ – C30 and it‘s module EORTC QLQ – BR23. The results of research shown, that women with breast cancer, who‘s extraversion is characterized with higher rates, perceive their overall health-related quality of life and sexual functions as better ones, comparing with women distinguish by higher neurotic and psychotic indicators. Women who are using adaptive stress coping strategies their overall health-related quality of life, emotional, cognitive and sexual behavior perceived as better and feel less fear about future comparing with women who are using less adaptive stress coping strategies. Better overall health-related quality of life of women with breast cancer is explained by using adaptive directed to emotions defeat more often and less often using less adaptive defeat.
Keyword(s): women; breast cancer; personality traits; stress coping strategies; health-related quality of life.
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2015.042
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