Algirdas Juozulynas, Audrius Gocentas, Antanas Jurgelėnas, Rasa Savičiūtė, Laimutė Samsonienė, Andžėjus Boguševičius
The aim: to find out the values of students life. Results: 200 respondents completed the questionnaire: 121 (60,5%) females and 79 (39,5%) males. Average age of females – 22 years, average age of males – 23 years. Median is 22 years for both, males and females. Variance of age is 2,86 for females and 2,95 for males.
Religion as a value is treated by 35,5% of respondents (34,7% females and 36,7% males). 22,5% respondents treat religion as a value not always, but rather often (28,9% females and 12,7% males). Many respondents maintained that religion is not in the list of their values (21% of all respondents, 10,7% males and 36,7 females). The difference is statistically important. Hope as a value was maintained by 46% of all respondents. 30% of them stated that they feel the hope as their value almost always. 4,5% do not claim the hope as their value of life. With respect to gender, it can be noticed that there is no statistically important differences (p=0,06).
Love is treated as value of life by most of respondents (89%). Just 4% (3,3% females and 5,1% males) denied love to be their value. There is no important differences with respect to gender. Love is value for 90,9% females and 86,1% males. 5,8% of females and 8,9% of males said love is their value almost always. Career is value of 47% of respondents. With respect to gender, career is value for 40,5% of females and 57% of males. For 37% of respondents career is value almost always and 5% career is not value at all. For 87,5% of respondents health is important value of life. 1,5% do not appreciate the health at all. 34,5% females and 33,5% males responded that asset is their value always or almost always. Family is one of the most important values in students’ life. The question “Is family your value?” was answered “yes” by 86% of respondents, 10,5% answered “almost always”, 3% of answers were “rarely“ and for 5% of respondents family is not va�- lue. Conclusion: 1) Analysis helped to develop that the main im�- pact on building values is made by family(86,5%), love (81,8%), friends (79,5%) and religion(58%). 2) The most important values by respondents is family (96,5%), love(96%), health(96%). The least important values are religion (21%), culture and nationality (14,5%). 3) Values make an impact on making the decisions to 96% of respondents.
Keyword(s): values of students; values of life
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2013.019
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