Silva Kostyliovienė, Alina Vaškelytė, Rimantas Kėvalas, Aurelija Blaževičienė
Tracheotomy is an opening made surgically in an anterior wall of the trachea. While nursing a patient with a tracheostomy, it is necessary for a nurse to have knowledge and skills in order to ensure safe and effective nursing care services and to provide a qualitative tracheostomy care. There exist different scientific theories, explaining the way theoretical knowledge is transforming into practical skills. D. Kolb‘s experiential learning theory states that experience can be considered as a source of learning and improvement, when it is sought to work systematically and to apply the acquired experience. P. Benner (1984) has revealed in her model how a nurse competence is developed through experience by passing five levels of knowledge and skills: from novice to expert. A nurse gains new experience and thus develops professional competence by applying D. Kolb‘s stages of experiential learning in practice, while reconsidering the previous situations, realising the fact and the reason of the event.
Keyword(s): tracheostomy care, a nurse, competence, D. Kolb‘s experiential learning theory, P. Benner‘s model
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2013.102
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