Albinas Bagdonas, Audronė Liniauskaitė, Antanas Kairys, Vilmantė Pakalniškienė


Aim – to analyse the structure of the Lithuanian Psychological Well-Being Scale (LPGS) in adults’ sample. Material and methods. 528 subjects from 18 till 67 (M=29,5; SD=11,1) years old participated in the study. 224 of them (42,4%) were males, 303 (57,%) – females. One participant (0,2%) did not indicated his / her gender. The Lithuanian Psychological Well-Being Scale (LPGS) was used. In the preliminary stage of the study scale consisted of 132 items from wich 117 of them were aimed to assess the psychological well-being. In the later stages of analysis part of the items were removed. In the final stage of analysis 61 item was used. Methods of statistical analysis: factor analysis, Cronbach’s alpha, correlational analysis, descriptive statistics. Results. The structure of seven factors was obtained during the analysis. Factors: Optimism / control; Satisfaction with living standard; Negative emotionality; Satisfaction with family and relatives; Satisfaction with interpersonal relationships; Satisfaction with physical health; and Satisfaction with job. Two items, related to subscale Satisfaction with living in Lithuania, were not included into factor analysis. They can be analysed separately. The subscales had satisfactory level of Cronbach’s alpha (0,792 – 0,892). All subscales had positive inter-correlations. The direction and strength of the correlations confirmed the validity of the LPGS. The obtained factor structure was similar to the one obtained in the student’s sample.

Article in Lithuanian

Keyword(s): psychological well-being; Lithuanian Psychological Well-Being Scale; factor analysis
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2013.045
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