Inga Mikutavičienė, Gerimantas Čerkauskas
While using the strategy of quantitative research it was aimed to reveal the tendency of the demand of the midwives in the Lithuania hospitals. The survey of top nursing and obstetric administrators of health care institutions in Lithuania allowed to predict the demand of the midwifes for the upcoming years. The prognosis, made by administrators was based on evaluation of numerous factors, that can influence changes in the number of midwives job places, such as profile of health care institution, ongoing health care reform, age of staff, the extent of emigration, etc. The empirical base of the research consisted of data collected form 18 health care institutions, including all perinatal centres, largest hospitals and several small hospitals in different regions of Lithuania and this allowed credibly display tendencies of midwives job places in Lithuania. The results of research revealed demand of 74 midwives in upcoming 5 years in hospitals, providing obstetric care. Moreover considering the facts that 21 percent of staff of surveyed institutions is over 55 years old, the emigration among medical staff in Lithuania is significant and the labour market in primary health care was not calculated, the need of midwives may increase 2 times or even more. Most significant demand of midwives was found in Vilnius and Kaunas region. In general, the need of midwives in Lithuania there is not very high, but offer (about 20 graduating midwives students per year for Lithuania) is also not great and suggests good job’s opportunities for graduates of Kaunas University of applied sciences.
Keyword(s): midwife, demand of specialists, institution of high education, university of applied sciences
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2013.104
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