Marija Rachlevičiūtė
Hormone contraception is among the most common methods to prevent pregnancy, yet there is not enough research on its influence on subsequent fertility after its withdrawal. The purpose of this study is to determine whether a hormone contraception used before pregnancy has a negative effect on fertility. Methods of work: using a specific questionnaire 131 women were anonymously interviewed online about the their last pregnancy or an attempt to conceive. Women were questioned on their age, contraception method used and its duration, time it took to get pregnant after withdrawal of contraception, frequency of sexual intercourse, health problems of any of the partners, menstrual cycle regularity, occurrence of abortion and beeing affected by any harmful factors. A correlation between these factors and the time to pregnancy was analysed. Results: the majority of respondents were aged from 22 to 34 during their last pregnancy. The most frequently used contraceptive methods were combined oral contraceptive pills and natural family planning. The majority of the women used these methods for a period of 2 to 5 years. 75 women (57,3 per cent) conceived in a year after withdrawal of contraception, 11 (8,4 per cent) – during its usage. The rest of the respondents had difficulty in conceiving – they conceived in more than a year after withdrawal, did not conceive at all or conceived after an artificial fertilisation. In 14,5 per cent of cases one the partners had health problems which could prevent conception. Conclusions: hormone contraception did not influence the time to pregnancy. A factor that predetermined a longer time for conception was health problems, diagnosed to at least one of the partners.
Keyword(s): hormone contraception, fertility, conception, time to pregnancy
DOI: 10.5200/150
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