Emilija Padervinskytė, Brigita Alenskaitė, Aurika Karbonskienė
In a patient-oriented health care patients are supposed to take part in decisions about their treatment. Knowledge about what information people want or need to make these choices in perioperative care is still scarse. Objective: to estimate patient‘s knowledge of the role of anesthesiologist and identify information patient want during the preoperative visit. Materials and methods: This was a quantitative anonymous survey in the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences at departments of Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology during 2015 year. A survey was designed and administered to patients before surgery. Results: the survey was distributed to 186 patients, 171 of whom (91%) averaging 56±17,48 (SD) completed the survey. Only 61,4% respondents knew that an anesthesiologist was a doctor specializing in anesthesia. The 43,2% of respondents knew that anesthesiologist may give an approval for the surgery and 69,0% knew that anesthesiologist may monitor the vital signs during the surgery. The 29% respondents tried to find information about anesthesia before surgery and 33% of them found that information at family physicians. Conclusions: many patients were uninformed about the role of anesthesiologists. Patient expressed interest in receiving information during the preoperative visit. The main source of this information is family physicians.
Keyword(s): anesthesiology; patient satisfaction; doctor-patient relationship; preoperative education.
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2016.019
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