Integrative Psichoneurology And Genetics

Danielius Serapinas, Anna Serapinienė, Rita Bandzevičienė, Rūta Pukinskaitė, Antanas Valantinas Abstract There are many knowledge and notes in the contemporary psychology and psychotherapy about the importance of thoughts, prevention of stress and positive thinking for the disease prophylaxis and treatment. New research in psychophysiology, neuropsychoanalysis and genetics laid a foundation for the development of new…

Mind as Epigenetic Modifier in Mood Disorders

Danielius Serapinas, Anna Serapinienė, Andrius Narbekovas, Jonas Juškevičius Abstract Epigenetic modifications of DNA might be crucial for understanding the molecular basis of mood disorders. One reason for this is that epigenetic factors are sometimes plastic enough to react the external and internal environments. New scientific studies suggest, that these environmental factors can be not only…