Danielius Serapinas, Anna Serapinienė, Andrius Narbekovas, Jonas Juškevičius
Epigenetic modifications of DNA might be crucial for understanding the molecular basis of mood disorders. One reason for this is that epigenetic factors are sometimes plastic enough to react the external and internal environments. New scientific studies suggest, that these environmental factors can be not only food or chemicals, but also spiritual: positive emotional state, optimism, reaction to stress. The aim of this manuscript is to provide a conceptual background for studies by reviewing key findings from different forms of investigation. In order to provide an understanding the role of genetic and environmental (spiritual) factors in the causation of mental disorders here is a simplified account of some of the key features of how genes ‘work’. Results of that review indicate that of particular interest, traumatic events or negative mind content may potentially alter our DNA methylation pattern and induce abnormal brain gene expression and ultimately depression, and other mood disorders. In summary, this review demonstrates that an epigenetic state of a genes responsible for mental health can be established through life experience and thinking manner and is potentially reversible.
Keyword(s): mind; epigenetics; mood disorders
DOI: 10.5200/296
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